Articles about growing and caring for plants, decorating a home, garden – PAGE 3

How to Take Care of Your Plants in January
Plants should be watered less frequent and with a reduced amount of water per watering.

The best herbs for growing indoors in autumn
As the weather gets colder and wetter, many people start to shift their focus from
outdoor gardening towards indoor gardening.
outdoor gardening towards indoor gardening.

Original ways to arrange your plants in pots outdoors
If you have your own garden then you are very lucky. You can grow a variety of
plants in soil or pots.
plants in soil or pots.

What houseplants grow well together in one pot?
If you love indoor plants but have a problem with space for pots, then there is a great
solution - grow your favorite plants in one planter.

How to get your garden ready for autumn
Every home-gardener knows that autumn is the busiest season in the garden calendar.
It's a time for gathering, storing, planting, composting, and doing outside repairs.
It's a time for gathering, storing, planting, composting, and doing outside repairs.

Getpotted discount codes
Discover all discount codes which are available for planters, plants and other range at Getpotted online shop in the UK

How to grow Anthurium: flower care at home
Your home may seem dull and dull to you, the best solution is to add a little coziness with the help...

How to grow Aglaonema: flower care at home
Many people make their home more comfortable with fresh plants and flowers.

How to make my plant grow?
We have found several growth acceleration techniques that will not harm your green friend

How to make outdoor plastic plant pots look nice?
We have selected the nicest ideas on how to make outdoor flower pots fresher and brighter

How to make a plastic planter look like stone?
Stone flower pots look very beautiful, fashionable and stylish. But such material...

How to use large outdoor planters?
Large flower pots are a great choice for outdoor areas. You can create unique flower arrangements and...

How to secure planter baskets to balcony railings?
Many people do not have a private garden so they grow part of the plants on the balcony. This is very convenient for saving space.

How to build a vertical garden: succulent, vegetable and other
Many growers want to grow herbs or small plants such as succulents. It doesn't need a lot of space because you can choose a vertical garden. It is convenient and practical because you save space in the house. Such a stand can be made in the yard or in the house and you do not need to think about bulky flower pots and a place to place them...

How to make cement pots easily at home easily?
Many gardeners love to make flower pots with their own hands. Of course, you can buy it in the store, but homemade flower pots are fun and creative. You may choose any materials from cement to wood. Use your imagination and simple materials to create a real masterpiece.