10 great ideas for a small garden

10 great ideas for a small garden

“No Space” does not mean “No Ideas”! We will show you how to turn a small site into a delightful place to relax and to give it the appearance of a respectable garden.

The secret of a successful small garden design is competent design and outdoor planters: come up with an interesting idea around which you can build an entire space, making maximum use of the features of the terrain. It is also important to unite all the elements in the same style and in a single-colour scheme. Only then will the general view of the site will be harmonious.

1. Colour flow

 Colour flow

Make sure your planting scheme contains plants of two or three calm shades which harmonize with one another. Similar violet bushes, as pictured in the photo in the fore and background, can visually increase the space.



2. Supports for plants

 Supports for plants

Another proven design option is to create perspective. It is optimal if the entire plot is not visible right away. Arrange each element so that the beauty is revealed gradually as the viewer moves deeper into the garden. This can be accomplished using special partitions such as hedges, pergolas and screens.

The dimensions of each design element (a flower arch, for example) should be proportional to the size of the garden. Otherwise, there will be a sense of disharmony.


3. Winding paths are our allies

 Winding paths are our allies

They help create the illusion of a large garden. After all, the path that disappears around a turn is quite intriguing: a visitor walking along might remain unaware of the garden’s boundaries and what surprises and beauties lie hidden around each turn.



4. All roads lead ... to the center of the garden

Center of the garden

The space between the trails should be occupied by plants, leaving only enough space in a corner, for instance, for a rest. Such techniques preserve the illusion of the garden’s scale.




5. Wooden gazebo, combined with a summer house

Wooden gazebo, combined with a summer house

An irreplaceable addition to any site! The glazed part can be used as a mini-greenhouse. And in the house, there is space for the storage of garden accessories, a grill or even a wheelbarrow. Space is valuable, so use what you have!




6. A mini alley of birches with beautiful white trunks

A mini alley of birches with beautiful white trunks

A mini alley made of birches with beautiful white trunks can outline the spatial perspective of the garden and add depth to the space.




7. Multi-level platforms

Multi-level platforms

By creating multi-level sites, you can achieve a visual increase in the garden space




8. Simple stone partition

Simple stone partition

An effective stone partition divides the territory into different zones. Thanks to this breakdown, a cozy recreation area can be created over several square meters.




9. Mirror effect

 Mirror effect

On a small plot, you can even place an ornamental pond. It is clear that the reservoir will be small, but even this will contribute to the desired optical focus. The calm water’s surface, like a mirror, reflects the sky, clouds and everything around the pond. Thanks to this effect, the garden seems bigger than it really is. The elongated rectangular shape of the reservoir also plays into the effect by visually extending the site.



10. Green accents

 Green accents

Choosing green "inhabitants" for a small garden gives priority to low trees and shrubs such as maple-leafed 'Globosum', catalepa bionnoid-like 'Nana' or willow-babel 'Umbraculifera'. Depending on the landing site, these green assistants will be able to effectively decorate the boundaries of the site or to serve as remarkable accents.

Margaret Wilson
I'm a Content Editor and a Brand Contributor with a focus on the gardens and lifestyle. I write articles for Getpotted.com where I cover flower pots, plants and other subjects
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