The easiest plants to grow for beginners

The easiest plants to grow for beginners

Many people are afraid to take responsibility for pets and plants because they think they don't have the necessary perseverance. But plants differ from animals in that they are less picky but also give your home an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. You can decorate any space from the kitchen to the bathroom because even a small cactus will significantly refresh the room. You can grow any plants and don't think it's difficult. Even huge garden planters will be a great addition to your outdoor area. Or you can choose potty models for home or balcony.

10 gorgeous plants beginners can grow

We have selected some of the most unpretentious plants that even beginners can grow. You will not need special knowledge or many different tools. Such plants do not need to be cut, planted or otherwise performed for their healthy growth. Just choose the right lighting, humidity, temperature and do not forget about watering.

  1. Bamboo. This grass looks very stylish for any interior and does not require special care. Some species need soil; others need a container of water. Do not forget to change the water so that it is always fresh and clean.
  2. Cactus. It seems that these are the most popular plants for those who are too lazy to take care of their green friends. There is a large selection of varieties of different colours, sizes and shapes. This is a great option for those who are afraid to harm their plants. The most common reason for the death of cacti is waterlogging. If you forget to water the cactus once again, you will only benefit it.
  3. Shamrock. This beautiful green plant looks very interesting. You can grow this in a flower pot, when the root system is strong the plant will grow into a soft beautiful blanket of green. You can also grow this in the garden in the ground.
  4. Topiary. Let's also talk about outdoor plants so that even beginners can grow them. Topiary is a good choice for the yard and garden, they are picky and do not require much care. The advantage is that you can give such a bush any shape, for example, a ball, a cone, lollipops, and so on. On a holiday, you can decorate such bushes with various toys or bright ribbons.
  5. Pothos houseplant. A beautiful plant with large leaves will be the perfect addition to a window or table. Do not forget to water it and it will delight you with its green beauty. This is a very easy plant to grow for the home. An excellent choice for the first growing just put it in the right place.
  6. Philodendron. You will love the look of this green beauty. Carefully choose the lighting because the plant does not like more open sunlight. It doesn't need to be watered often so the Philodendron is easy to grow. Even in a small space, it will look very original. There is a large selection of varieties, but many beginners prefer a stunning variety - pink princess.
  7. Aloe Vera. This is not just an unpretentious plant, it is also very useful. Many cosmetics are made on the basis of aloe. Grow this at home and use it as a hand cream or gel mask for your face and hair. Growing is quite simple and there are a lot of benefits.
  8. Monstera. This plant looks great and is easy to care for. With proper care, it can grow up to 2 and 3 meters. It all depends on growing conditions. You can also place this in the corner of your home or office.
  9. Spider Plants. A unique plant that you can grow on a shelf because its leaves hang down beautifully. Small new shoots sprout from the mother plant. Choose a suitable place for him and provide the right temperature to enjoy his beautiful and healthy appearance.
  10. Peperomia Polybotrya. This lush green plant will be a good solution not only for home but also for the office. You can also grow this in the ground in the garden because it doesn't have high soil selection requirements. Sometimes it seems that such a plant is similar to epiphytes or succulents but this is a different species, although it can also cling to rocky ground or trees with its roots.

If you want a plant with flowers, then you can also look at Peace Lilies or Hoya Lacunosa. Perhaps the plant itself will choose you when you go to the flower shop. You will like the atmosphere that will change in your home with the advent of the plant. All the plants on our list are picky, but they also have their own preferences. Study at least simple points about the care of a particular plant in order to provide it with the necessary temperature and watering.


Any plant needs care, read more about it. Even if you decide to grow orchids in the house or peonies in the yard, learn more about them. Any beginner can grow any plants and flowers with a little attention and time. Even if you have never had a cactus, you can buy any amazing plant and enjoy its aura of comfort and coziness. Do not be afraid to try and experiment, any plant will decorate your home or office. Find the right place for it and the right lighting, water it and take care of it so that it pleases you every day.

Margaret Wilson
I'm a Content Editor and a Brand Contributor with a focus on the gardens and lifestyle. I write articles for where I cover flower pots, plants and other subjects
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