How to grow Alocasia: flower care at home

How to grow Alocasia: flower care at home

If you like plants, then you want to decorate your house with them to make it more comfortable and beautiful. Not all colors of flowers study the features of care, many of them look only at the appearance. But this is wrong. Plants die due to improper observance of the temperature regime, irregular irrigation, insufficient lighting and other factors. If you find an amazing plant in xlarge plant pot, then take care of it so that it pleases you with its beauty. Even a small unpretentious cactus needs your care, but today we will consider the features of the care of alocasia.

Features of caring for alocasia

Alocasia is a unique plant with large leaves, it was brought from the tropical part of Asia. At home, it blooms very rarely, most often in greenhouses. But at home, alocasia will delight you with its stunning leaves and lush shape. The plant is quite unpretentious in care, so it can be grown in offices. The plant has a distinctly visible stem and may sometimes be stemless (separate species). It looks amazing on its own but is also the perfect complement to any flower arrangement. Let's learn in more detail how to grow a healthy and beautiful alocasia.

  • Lighting. This plant prefers a place with good lighting but the light should be diffused. Alocasia does not like direct sunlight because they can harm him. It is best to choose a window sill or cabinet near the window, which is located on the east or west side. If your window has a southern orientation, then do not forget to shade your plant with something. If you have a variegated look, then it is more demanding on lighting. If there is not enough light for this species, then its colorful leaves will lose their brightness.
  • Temperature. This plant is only for home growing unless you have a tropical climate. In the spring and summer months, the air temperature should be around 23–25 degrees; in winter, make sure that the room is not colder than 18 degrees. But the most optimal choice for such a period is a temperature of about 20 degrees. It is important to remember that alocasia does not like drafts. You will notice by the condition of the leaves if the plant does not like the temperature in the room.
  • Humidity. Such a plant loves high humidity and for this you can pour wet pebbles into a tray on which a pot of alocasia will stand. He will also enjoy regular moisturizing from a spray bottle. It's better to do it once a day. having prepared warm settled water, wipe the leaves with a sponge. But this does not need to be done every day, once every 3-4 days is enough. In order for the plant to receive enough moisture, you can put a container of water near the pot. In some commercial premises, the air is too dry due to heating sources. But alocasia can be pleased by installing an automatic humidifier.
  • Soil and watering. Alocasia is a tropical plant, so it likes more moisture and regular watering. Once the top layer of potting soil is dry, you can start watering. In autumn, the amount of water is reduced and watering is done every 2 days. In winter, make sure that the soil in the pot dries out a little and then add water to the plant. The soil in the pot should not dry out completely, it should be slightly dried. But it is also not necessary to fill in a lot of water because this can lead to decay of the root of alocasia. Experienced flower growers are advised to water the plant and wait 15 minutes, then drain the water from the pot pan.
  • Irrigation and fertilizer. Like any plant that grows at home in a pot and not in natural conditions, your alocasia needs nutrients. In nature, plants take useful components from the earth, but at home, the root system depletes the soil in a pot. For this reason, flower growers are advised to add bait to the plant. Top dressing is carried out only during the growing season in the spring-autumn period. You can feed alocasia 1 time in 15 days, use complex mineral fertilizer for decorative foliage plants and organics alternately for this. It is better to transplant a plant in the spring, but you need to remember that young plants are transplanted 1 time per year, and adults need to change the pot 1 time in 2 or 3 years. The pot should be high, a thick layer of drainage must be made at its bottom (you can use pebbles, expanded clay or small pieces of brick).

Other helpful tips

Under optimal conditions, such a plant can live up to 15 years if properly cared for. Observe the behavior of the plant and it will tell you if it does not like something. If you notice that spots have appeared on the leaves, then the plant complains to you about drafts or sudden changes in temperature. Spots can also be the result of alocasia infection with some kind of disease. The tips of the leaves have begun to dry, which means your plant is unhappy with the low level of humidity in the room. In some species, the leaves may fade, this indicates that the plant has little watering.

Margaret Wilson
I'm a Content Editor and a Brand Contributor with a focus on the gardens and lifestyle. I write articles for where I cover flower pots, plants and other subjects
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