Almost every plant lover's home has a Christmas cactus. This authentic plant is one of the most unpretentious to care for, which is why it is preferred by beginning gardeners. It belongs to the Cactus family, so it can go without water for a long time, which makes it convenient to grow not only in the home but also in the office. During the flowering period (starting in December), the Christmas cactus is covered with a cap of small flowers and looks amazing. Initially, the flowers of this plant were red, but later hybrids with white, yellow, pink, coral and even purple flowers appeared. You can choose any planters for indoor plants for it, the root system is not very large. But in order for your plant to be healthy, beautiful and bloom regularly, you need to follow certain rules of care.
Features of the Christmas Cactus
In the wild, the Christmas cactus might be found in the southern regions of Brazil. It came to Europe thanks to the botanist and collector F. Schlumberger, thanks to whom this type of cactus received its official name. Many gardeners prefer this plant because it blooms at a time when many house plants have already faded. The formation of shoots occurs at the end of the stems. The color of the inflorescence is not important; the flowers will always be bright and rich. If the plant receives the necessary care, it will delight you with its flowering for almost 20 years. Like many tropical plants, Schlumbergera loves spraying in the summer. But it is very sensitive, especially during the budding period. It is better not to touch, move or cut it at such a time. And now let's take a detailed look at its care requirements so that your Christmas cactus is healthy and lives a long time.
Choosing a pot
We have already said that the root system of this plant is poorly developed because in the wild it prefers to grow close to trees with well-developed roots. Therefore, you can choose a medium-sized pot and this will be enough to keep the plant’s roots comfortable until the next replanting.
You can buy soil at the store. The main thing is that it is moisture-permeable, soft and airy. You can also mix the soil yourself. To do this, you need to take river sand, dry peat and leaf mail. Do not forget that there must be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. The Christmas cactus does not like its roots to be in very wet soil; avoid waterlogging the soil.
If your plant will be on a windowsill, it is better to place it on the west or east side. In such places it will have enough light and its leaves will not dry out. In winter, it is better to find a place for the pot away from the heater and heating system.
During the cold period, it is better to grow the plant at a temperature of about 20 degrees. Do not exceed this figure because the Christmas cactus won’t bloom. At temperatures above 20 degrees, the plant will not die, but the flowers will not be able to ripen. In order for the plant to grow properly, it needs moderate coolness and a short color day. This type of cactus may die if the temperature drops below +5 Celsius. In the summer, it is better to find a place for it without intense heat if you want the plants to bloom.
You need to water the plant the same way as other deciduous types. Watering is moderate, this is determined as the soil dries. During the flowering period, the Christmas cactus needs abundant and frequent watering. But you should not over-water the plant; in this case, its thin and rather fragile root system may rot. Just remember to keep the soil slightly moist at all times. Watering is reduced after the plant blooms. Although this is a tropical plant, it is drought tolerant. You can leave it without watering for a week or even 2, which is why this type of cactus is chosen for the office.
This plant is not picky about the choice of feeding. He needs fertilizers only for proper growth and development. The optimal fertilizer for it will be a mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus, which are added to the water. The plant should be fed until the first buds form. We have already said that when buds appear, the plant should not be disturbed.
Possible problems during cultivation:
- If a flower's roots rot, it will most likely die. The reason lies in the appearance of bacteria or fungi. You can try replanting it in new soil, but this rarely saves the Christmas cactus.
- There is no flowering and many are looking for the reason for this and this is improper lighting or poorly fertilized soil. In order for a flower to bloom, it must be provided with good lighting without direct sunlight. But you also should not place the plant on the north side, but on the south it should be slightly shaded.
- You notice that your plant is starting to wilt. And the main reason for this may be infrequent watering, dry air or a lack of nutrients in the soil. Try to normalize watering and spraying the plant, fertilize and completely change its soil. For more effective moistening, you can place a tray with wet expanded clay under the flowerpot.
- Parts of its stems may fall off. The main reason is waterlogged soil. Christmas cactus does not tolerate overwatered soil. In this case, you need to ensure proper, moderate watering.
- Incorrect formation of the bush. Not everyone knows how to properly remove excess segments on stems. This procedure is done after the plant has flowered. Select the separation mark on the stem, then pinch the bottom of the stem with your index finger and thumb, and break off the top using a twisting motion. This is the only way to cut off segments.
The Christmas cactus is a stunning plant and you will fall in love with it when you see how luxuriously it blooms. Although it is not picky in care, special rules must be followed to keep the plant healthy. It can grow and develop as usual but not produce flowers. There are cases when a plant that has been almost 10 years old has bloomed only once. It does not like moving and moving; if it is comfortable in one place, it will delight with its flowering even several times a year.