Shade-tolerant flower

10 beautiful flowers for shade and partial shade


Want to organize an attractive flower garden, but your site is located in a place where the sun is a rare visitor? Don’t be upset! If you properly choose shade-tolerant flowers, you can decorate even the darkest corner of the garden.

Most shade-tolerant plants are not sown (as there is not enough light for the seeds to germinate), but propagate with rhizome cuttings, rooted cuttings, bulbs or tubers. Plants that blossom in summer and autumn are planted in the spring, as well as those that blossom in spring and fall. If your garden is located in sunnier place we recommend you to read the article about TOP 14 unpretentious garden plant's.

1. Brunner


Brunner is one of the most attractive spring plants, which is perfectly suited to the shade of tall trees. Its small sky-blue flowers, blossoming in May, perfectly enliven the garden. After the end of flowering, the attractive green leaves of brunners gradually dry out, and in the second half of August new ones grow and decorate the flower garden until the first frost.

2. Host


This plant is more attractive not because of its flowers, but because of the beautiful leaves that adorn the garden throughout the season. In hosts the leaves are bluish-green, wrinkled, and in July delicate, light mauve flowers appear on the plant, although they wither after 2 weeks.

In shady gardens, such hosts as small, narrow-leaved plantain, or wavy Forchun are right at home. Even in adulthood these plants do not take up much space, so they are well-suited to rock gardens, where they can be safely planted in shady spaces.

3. Astilba


In shady gardens, the most popular plants are Astilba Arendza, Tunberga, and Japanese. These plants bloom in the second half of the summer. The most effective inflorescences are of different colors: from snow-white to red-scarlet. No less attractive are the leaves of Astilba, which are dark green with a glossy sheen.

4. The fern garden

 The fern garden

There is a huge variety of ornamental ferns which differ in the shape of the bush and the coloring of the leaves (they are also called vayami).

5. Iris


During flowering these unpretentious plants, like little suns, shine with their yellow flowers in shaded gardens. No less attractive are varieties with blue, purple, lavender-pink, raspberry and white flowers. And after the end of flowering, the long green leaves of iris perfectly combine with the fern.

6. Rhododendron


The ideal place for this plant is the penumbra, but in deep shade the rhododendron is also able to decorate the garden with a lush bloom in the spring. In the autumn, the foliage "changes" into a golden and crimson outfit and makes the flower garden even more colorful.

7. Elimination


This unpretentious perennial plant from the umbrella family easily adapts to any habitat. They are equally suited to the sun and total shade, but in the latter setting they blossom more modestly. In this case, the duration of their flowering does not decrease: bright inflorescences with small flowers in the form of asterisks adorn the garden throughout the summer.

8. Solomonic Seal

Solomonic Seal

This very unpretentious flower loves the shadow and grows well in the darkest places. It has a very branched rhizome, and large decorative leaves of dark green or mottled color with light veins and small white, pink, cream, greenish or purple bell-shaped flowers, similar to lilies of the valley. They also blossom in May and bloom for 3-4 weeks. After the end of flowering, dark blue (almost black) or red berries appear.

9. Begonia


Previously, begonias were grown only as houseplants, and are currently often planted in flower beds under trees. Modern varieties of begonia evergreen differ in their resistance to shade and cold, but on the whole do not endure severe frosts. Therefore, it is necessary to cover such plants for the winter.

The main advantage of begonias is abundant flowering throughout the season. A compact bush (up to 20 cm high) with luscious dark green or reddish-brown leaves and numerous flowers of various colors looks great in group plantings in flowerbeds, in beautiful street pots and on balconies.

10. Periwinkle small

 Periwinkle small

This compact plant easily adapts to both the deep shadow and the bright sun. But the ideal place for him is a semi-shady garden.

At the periwinkle’s creeping stems are dense and leathery leaves of dark green color, which in this form hibernate under snow. There are also flowers of white, blue, purple or lilac color, rather large for a stunted plant. The plant blossoms abundantly in the spring, and in summer among the dense green carpet single flowers are seen.

All these plants perfectly adjoin each other, and all together create an attractive flower garden. Plant them in your shaded area, and your garden will instantly change.

Margaret Wilson
I'm a Content Editor and a Brand Contributor with a focus on the gardens and lifestyle. I write articles for where I cover flower pots, plants and other subjects
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