Articles about growing and caring for plants, decorating a home, garden – PAGE 9

TOP 14 unpretentious plants for your garden
If you want a garden buried in flowers which don’t need your close attention, it is worth considering plants that do not require special care.

How to grow indoor lilies-of-the-valley
Touching and elegant, with a maddeningly unique fragrance, lilies-of-the-valley are the perfect option for those looking for plants that grow literally on their own.

The Best Plants for a Cold Northern Room
Cold northern rooms are considered a rarity, but insufficient heating is more a bonus for growing plants than a disadvantage.

10 great ideas for a small garden
“No Space” does not mean “No Ideas”! We will show you how to turn a small site into a delightful place to relax.

15 front garden ideas
No doubt, a beautiful front garden is capable of transforming the look of your house.